Thank you for taking the time to visit my web page.
If you are a new client please fill out this New Client Intake form and include your last two year’s of tax returns with your information
If you have a corporation please also fill out the Annual Business Checklist
In addition to these worksheets you may have some or all of the following documents that I will need.
For your 1040:
All the tax forms you received from your employer, your bank, your mortgage company, and your investment brokerage.
A total of your health insurance expense and an estimation of your out of pocket health care costs.
If applicable, purchase papers for any assets acquired in the current tax year – homes, cars, investment property.
Supporting documentation for any energy efficient property you’ve purchased – cars, windows, roofs, etc.
All tax forms from any educational institution you or your dependents have attended.
For your LLC or SCorp
A profit and loss statement if you are using Quickbooks. Make sure the report is on a cash basis, not accrual.
A list of all business assets purchased, their price and date of purchase.
If you are not using Quickbooks, total all of your income and expenses including interest paid on business lines of credit.
Mileage totals or actual vehicle expenses.
Any year end payroll reports you have generated outside of the office as well as any new unemployment ratings or worker’s compensation requirements you may have.
Include your balance sheet items: cash balance 12/31 and the balance on any outstanding loans or other corporate liabilities.